It used to be if we drove 30 mins from home we would end up in Prescott or Ash Fork if we went the other direction, but now that we live in Germany, we end up in yet another picturesque village with castles and churches and all of the colors I love.
This time it was a little town called
Burglengenfeld. When we have driven through it before (always at night) it has reminded me of a resort town, or a destination place because it has a little bit of everything! There's a river, and an old town, and lots of boutiques and cute shops.
We accidently found this amazing park!
You can see the castle up on the hill |
An amazing zip line. I have a video I need to show. So fun! |
The skyyyyyyyy |
A view from the bench. :-) |
We attempted the castle but I read somewhere on the interweb it's owned by a business and it is now an older folks home. We went into the gate anyway, and there was obviously something either about to happen, or it had already happened. There were wooden figures, and explanations of everything all in German. We definitely felt awkward so we quickly left but not before snapping a few pictures.
You can kind of see one of the wood figures I was talking about next to that booth. |
We headed downtown for apparently the best gelato ever! And it was good! I had mango. This is not my first eis of the season, it's my 2nd. But I liked it much better than my first.
Then we met up with these folks. And went to another park and went to eat and had fun! I love having friends in Germany!
Gasthof au am Kronen (The Restaurant we ate at) |
The menu translation from German to English was terrible. It says, "All year round wild specialties from home woods freshly on the day ticket."
The Rathaus or City Hall |
Soon after this picture, Ian fell right over. Then David did. It was hilarious. Then they had a contest to see who could stay on the longest. hahaha.
I'm trying to be better about documenting our days. Chelsi appropriately called me a picture something. I can't remember what word she used. But what she was saying was, I take tons of pictures but do not often do anything with them. So they just sit. Unused and sad. So I am trying to be better! It's hard! I don't love it really. There's this fine line between being annoying and way too vague. And I like balance! ha. Anyway, we will see how long this lasts! Are any of you gonna come visit soon so we can take you here?
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