I don't remember where I put the hammer I borrowed from Self Help. I also don't know how we accrued $120 in library fees. These things are all part of the experience that is out-processing. Yesterday David attended a levy brief signifying the beginning of the End.
The pre-inspector guy came and judged me for my walls and my messy house. Well, I don't really know if he did. I explained to my friends that he was very clearly German meaning he was to the point, and not overly-friendly but also not rude. It's this very weird mix of emotion. He gave me a sweet deal, only charging me $150 to paint our whole house! That means I don't have to paint the teal wall, or the greige wall, or the purple wall or the red wall NOR do I have to paint over the grimy handprints/smudges that line the hand-level of the various children in my house. Fine, there's some at my level too okay? Because no hand-rail and a
previous broken ankle leg make me more cautious. I also don't have to fill in the gaping holes caused by attempts to drill into the cement that are some of the walls here.
The Purple Wall |
The Red Wall |
Panorama of my living room In the Beginning |
The Teal Wall |
The inspector pulled out his black light and shined it on the kids carpets which we will obviously have to work on because I have "artistic" kids who like paint and other various liquids that should probably not be used for potion-making.
What I'm having trouble with is selling my stuff. I've given SO much away but there are a few things I really feel like others might enjoy. Apparently they WANT to enjoy them but they don't want to put forth the effort of obtaining them. Now I totally understand why people rant about the people that don't follow through. I'm about to go all Bad Grammar Police on them.
I screenshot your bad grammar/spelling. Only if it's really bad. |
Although it's nearing the end, I really am excited for what's to come. Will you come visit me?
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