The Sisterhood of the Pants

I'm gonna post on the viral topic of pants. Pants you ask? Well if you're not Mormon you probably have no idea what I'm talking about. I actually don't either. Here is a link. And another.

A friend texted me and asked if I was wearing pants to church on sunday. My response? Should I? She then told me about this whole feminist movement happening on December 16th. Since this blog is titled "Her Five Cents". I'm gonna give it to you.

It's lame ladies. And gents. Well okay. That's the sum of my opinion. However, I completely understand and would like to validate any who feel the opposite of me. I do not, however, need to wear pants as an outward expression of my inner feminist.

I'd like to quote my husband after I told him about a comment on a blog I read about how a $300 pantsuit is much nicer than an jean skirt and flip flops and an ugly shirt. He said he totally agrees but that, "trying to affect change in the church is like trying to change the laws of the universe. It's like saying 'I don't like gravity.'... If He needs change in the church, he does it through his prophet."

The women who will be wearing pants to church on Sunday as a statement are going to be the women who aren't comfortable enough with themselves. Don't get me wrong, I've fought this battle a million times in some form or another (priesthood, men, men, men). But this is one I'm not gonna fight. I'm kind of over it. There are several things I'd like to bring it up to God someday and I will get the chance I'm sure.

In the Handbook of Church guidelines or whatever, it doesn't say what a woman should or shouldn't wear. In fact, there's a woman who comes to our congreation on a regular basis in pants. And guess what? No one cares. Not even a little.

What matters is what's in  the heart of the person wearing the stuff. God knows us so well and I'm gonna go ahead and tell you a little secret, He doesn't care what we/you/I wear. I know. Can you believe it? He just cares that we go.

But if you're gonna wear pants, make sure they're not white. It's after Labor Day.

Also, I wanna hear what you have to say! Tell me. 



  2. I agree with every word!! The whole thing is silly. I don't know anyone personally who will be wearing pants on Sunday for the sake of this "movement" (if you can even call it that...) which says something about my friends. :-) Love you.

  3. I agree with you also. when Eric told me about this movement, I said it's a so dumb because anyone that goes to church, knows that it doesn't matter what you wear because God would rather have us there in what we have then not at all. those women are lame and I'm sure there will be eyes rolling at them. I'm curious to see qqo in my ward thinks they need to wear pants to church.

  4. I agree with you also. when Eric told me about this movement, I said it's a so dumb because anyone that goes to church, knows that it doesn't matter what you wear because God would rather have us there in what we have then not at all. those women are lame and I'm sure there will be eyes rolling at them. I'm curious to see qqo in my ward thinks they need to wear pants to church.

  5. I'm with you. I think it's silly. But I don't have a problem with anyone else who wants to or supports it. More power to them.

    I'd rather someone wear pants than a skirt so short they can't bend over or something that leaves all their cleavage hanging out. It's about dressing with respect for yourself and others -- whatever that means to you.

    Love the line about Labor Day, by the way. You made me giggle.

  6. I personally don't care if someone wears pants. That's their prerogative. I don't think that anyone who is dedicated to the Gospel will feel the need to wear pants. I've never felt like a second class citizen. The church has actually been very progressive in women's rights, one of the first women's organizations, one of the first states to allow women to vote was UT. We have women speak in general conference. We have our own conference.

    Women are more caring, nurturing, loving, charitable, Christ like then men (generally speaking). If men need the priesthood to help them be more Christ like I don't feel left out.

    Fair does not mean equal. Equal does not mean the same.

  7. Where's the "like" button, Lisa? What "Ninny" said....

    My thoughts: I would personally feel pretty uncomfortable in pants. I think this whole "movement" or whatever it is, is lame. My own opinion. I'm grateful for those who come to church, and that includes the ones in pants. On with life. I ignore the 'movement' part of it, or the so-called "wear pants to church" agenda. I think it's stupid, immature, and yes, I think it does show insecurities in people who are fighting for it. Sad, really.

    Again, my thoughts. For what it's worth.

