Boys Who Like Dora the Explorer

My son is one of them. And I love him for it. He is a sweet boy. He has actually started to follow along more now that he hasn't had a B-I-N-K-Y for a few days now. That spells Binky for those who can't read-spell. I understand that he is almost 3 years old and should have been rid of his pacifier a long time ago. But The Girlfriends' say that if it makes 'em happy, let 'em have it. And that's sort of the philosophy we've taken. That coupled with the fact that we are lazy. It's an easy fix for an upset, crying 2.5 year old. A GREAT fix for one who won't stop bugging you when you're trying to blog or Facebook or clean or eat or whatever it is that the kids never let you do. Those are the times I wish Sadie would take one. The first night with Jackson was H-E- double hockey stick. That spells hell for those who again, can't read-spell.

Anyway, so Jackson loves Dora. I've read other blogs where mom's in the same predicament talk about their sons love for the tomboy Dora. Seriously, who is she? And why don't boys love Diego? It's weird. Don't get me wrong, I'm lovin' it because I hate all things stereotypical. The thing that bugs me is that all the Dora paraphernalia is PINK. Lame. That won't stop me from buying it however, I think they should figure it out. WAIT! Today, at Goodwill I did see a blue water bottle with Dora kicking a soccer ball. Yay! I had forgotten about that. Aside from that single experience, how often does one see anything boy oriented that is Dora? never. Can you see Jackson walking around in a Dora shirt? I sure can!! I wonder if anyone on Etsy would or could make me something like that. Hmm.....

Right now is one of those times I wish Sadie would let me stick a pacifier in her mouth. She won't let me type. So I am going to join Jackson on the couch. To watch Dora. It's the one where she's gonna be a big sister. "Big sister, big sister, I'm gonna be a big sister." Yup. I know all the songs.


  1. Lisa, I love when you Blog!You seriously need to go on stage. Why don't you be the opening act for David?!I love your kids and love that Jackson loves Dora! He's wonderful! And you know I love Sadie May Fae! I love you too! Mom

  2. Lisa,

    I think you are just one of the awesomest people. Thanks for your update and your blog.


  3. Two thumbs way up. I love your blog. (P.S. Nate is also in the "Boys who like Dora" club- and I have the same issue with girly Dora merchandise...)

  4. Here I am worried if it's normal for a baby boy to love Dora the explora. He is 6 weeks old and really likes Dora. Right now I don't really care about it as it gives me time to eat do other things while he watches Dora.

