The first day they showed up it was at seven in the morning. For some that is not early at all however for me, it is. Especially because I have been basking in the late arising of Jackson. He has been getting up at 9 lately (10:30a.m. today!!!). So the sound of banging on the wall is not a pleasant sound to wake up to.
Okay fine, they get done 8 hours later and come back the next day. At what time? 1:30 p.m. Right when Jackson and I decide to take a nap. Bastards. (As you can tell, I'm not real happy about this).
Today it was at 12 which I guess is a little more reasonable. Still, I hate the feeling of not being able to use my bathroom when I want. Especially when more recently I have had bouts of emergency bathroom usage. Thank goodness for Janell and Bad who live 8 houses away, and for Weis. That's only a few blocks.
Mr. Richard himself told me he wouldn't be back until 8:30 a.m. on Monday morning. Thank the Lord! That's way better than 7. I can at least plan better for that.
Oh yeah, I made some delicious cookies and offered them to Richard and his helper (who he orders around like a slave) and he says,"No, I don't like oatmeal." That's when as the person on the receiving end, you take them anyway and give them to your wife or dog or garbage can. I gave them to the poor slave instead. I'm sure he enjoyed them much more than Dick... I mean Richard.
One more thing. Richard here has enough guts to post an ugly advertisement for his business in front of my house. The thing is HUGE! I don't even have a front yard big enough for me to sit on let alone enough space for his ugly thing. I am SO mad about that. I feel like I should be getting commission or something. He didn't even ask if it was okay. It's just there. I took a picture of it so you can judge for yourself if his sign is worthy of my hatred. Blah! At least I'll have a ceiling. That's what I keep telling myself in order to stay sane.
That is an awful sign! But pretty industry standard, but I would still hate it, and him, and all the interuptions! I hope it's done soon!
ReplyDeleteYou are absolutely the funniest person ever. I am mad about the workers too. At least you had an excuse to come over. I love you.