So have you ever
noticed that some people are really good writers? Have you ever noticed
that I am not? I enjoy it anyway. I wrote long novels and it makes me
I have pretty much been on hiatus since May 31st, 2007. I'd like to tell my story.
Having a baby is hard.
No one tells you how hard it really is. I am going to write the book on
babies being hard work. I think it will be a best seller.
David and I decided that we would go through with my induction scheduled for May 31st at 7:00 a.m. So May 30th was a regular day. I went to State College
to get a camera. Mutual was that night. It was a good one (go David!!).
I was feeling really nervous about the whole labor thing but was really
excited as well. We tried to get to bed early that night realizing the
next day would be a huge one. 11:00p.m. rolled around and I was finally
able to get to bed. Well, don't worry at 1:30a.m. Baby Nickle had it in
his mind that he was gonna come when HE wanted to and not when the
doctors wanted him to. My water broke! I shot out of bed thinking I wet
my pants. But no, it was definitely something else. Seriously the worst
experience of my life. I showered, we tried to hang around because my
contractions were not bad but I was too nervous/anxious. We decided to
head to the hospital. Coming off the elevator at the hospital, I stood
there crying like a 4 year old who just peed her pants because there was
nothing I could do about the leaking fluid down my legs. Gross.
I was contracting and
dilated all morning but I was not progressing much. So around 2 or so,
my midwife came in to check me again and found that there was another
sac of amniotic fluid which she thought was preventing baby from coming.
She broke it, and checked again. She was then realized baby's position
was a little off. She decided to call the doctor in. He came in and
checked me as well. Yes. Lots of fingers in my vagina = not fun. He
explained that baby was brow presentation. David explains this a lot
better but basically, he was not coming out the right way. There were a
lot of risks if I decided to try this vaginally and so he recommended a C
section. Because of the way he was laying, there were risks of his neck
muscles tearing, or my uterus exploding etc. Sounds dramatic right?
After taking the birth classes, the one lesson I remembered most was to
go into labor open minded because you never know what could happen.
Definitely a true statement. I decided to not take the risks and have
the C Section. While reading all of the labor books, I had skipped over
all of the parts about C Sections, thinking I would not be having one.
Well I did.
Its crazy that after
all of the above went down, it was seriously an hour later that Baby
Nickle was born. What a roller coaster! I don't even know what to say.
So much happened in the course of two days. It was insane.
It took us until the
last day we were in the hospital to name him. Jackson Chase Nickle is
the name. I'm so glad we decided to wait until he came out to name him. Jackson
was not even on the list. It fits him real well though. He's so super
cute. 9 pounds 3 ounces. I'm openly glad I did not have to push that
through my vagina.
The first few days were the hardest ever. I'm so thankful for Shannon .
Seriously. We would be dead if it weren't for her. We were so silly to
think we could do the first night at home, by ourselves. This is a good
story. So it's 2:30 in the morning. I decided to take the Pain Pump out
of my stomach. It's this device that sent pain medication through two
tubes attached to my belly. I pulled the first one out fine. The second
one though, was a lot more difficult. It was stuck. It hurt too. So I'm
sitting there crying, baby is crying, my boobs hurt like hell from
breastfeeding and so did my stomach, incision, brain. Etc. Finally,
David said he was going to call Shannon .
I definitely did not object. Yes at 2:30 in the a.m. She lives 30
minutes away and still graciously came and rescued us that morning at 3
a.m.. We would have been dead and our child left parentless if it
weren't for her. Thank you!
I also have to say that
I have the best husband ever. He is a GREAT daddy to our little guy.
Previous to this, he has probably changed 5 diapers. I would say if I
didn't know, that he is an expert now. He's so amazing and natural at
the whole thing. It's actually crazy. I feel a little overwhelmed at the
newfound love I have for him since Jackson was born. I can't talk about it much otherwise I start crying and it's a waterfall.
I've been so lucky. I
have the best friends ever. Although I was not able to enjoy the focal
points provided by Jenny, I was able to enjoy the delicious meal I made
out of the Jolly Ranchers she brought. Jenny and her goody bag saved the
I have to apologize to
the friends I have not responded to in a week or so. It's been a little
crazy. I am super excited for this new challenge and I can now say (at
least for today) that I concur with David when he said that he sees the
light at the end of the tunnel. It's
the little moments (and the 3 hour stretches he gives us of sleep at
night), that make it all worthwhile. Don't worry, I'm still writing the
book of babies being hard. For now though, I'll just write this blog.
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