Merci Beaucoup 10

Everything in Paris is exactly like you think it is. It's all the positive and none of the negative. Instead of using too many words to try and explain all that Paris is, I've decided to just do a list. And include some pictures. Also, today marks the 126th anniversary of the opening of the Eiffel Tower to the public. These are cell phone pictures btw. Don't judge.

The first picture I took in Paris
Just kidding. It was this one from the night before. The traffic was unlike anything I've ever experienced. Insanity is all it was.
The List:

Eating dinner in a corner cafe
Eating crepes from a stand along the Seine
his money container says "to buy a Porsche" 
Lovers bridge
The peeking view of the Eiffel Tower from our 6th floor room
The subway
Music in the subway
looking at all the well dressed people in and on the metro

Starbucks in the rain

Our purple umbrella
the shops

fresh fruit

scarves everywhere
sparkling lights
loud Americans
quiet Parisians
eating at Chipotle

the willingness of Parisians to speak English
the Eiffel Tower

the Eiffel Tower's light show

10 years together

Champs Elysees

dusk on the top of the Arc de Triomphe

The Louvre

Our friendly cab driver
stairs and more stairs

Paris drugstores
fancy stores

walking and more walking
Parallel parking
live music at the Hard Rock Cafe

chilly nights
cloudy skies that turned blue

Moulin Rouge
the expensive dinner our first night

chocolate shops and soap shops

my first macaroon (a lemon one)

Notre Dame

 hanging out with David in the middle of somewhere we are sure was a big deal but had no idea what it was
I need to know why the chairs lean back so far. Do you know?

L'église de la Madeleine

the top of Montparnasse tower

The drive home

When we arrived home


  1. HAPPY 10th ANNIVERSARY! You are an amazing photographer. Like, wow.

  2. Seriously fantastic cell phone pics! And we sat in those same green chairs. Ha! ~ Krysta

