I Have Bad Breath But For Good Reason

We were at Heidi and John's today. Heidi made some awesome mango salsa. I'm afraid it had onions in it. It was well worth the leftover breath though. Mmmmm. Happy Birthday Heidi and Kyrbi.

Sissy girl loved the pool. She sat on the first step and splashed around like it was nobody's business. My sisters child also jumped off the diving board. Very proud of her.

I like the name Eva. David has it written on a piece of paper here near the computer. I wonder if it's my ancestor. Apparently I'm rockin' some pretty sweet great grandpas. They are directly involved with Joseph Smith and Nauvoo and such things. I'll have to have David tell you more about that. One thing I do remember is that J.S. borrowed $200 from my great great (maybe one more great) grandpa. Yup. That's right. So that pretty much makes me famous.

I am in a bitter/angry stage of grieving... about a couple of things. I think about a lot of things actually. I used to not be angry. I used to be at peace. But I'm mad. I'm just so mad. It's kind of strange because I'm also reading Jesus the Christ. I find it to be the most amazing book I have ever read in my entire life. I am learning things I have never even heard in 25 years of being a member of the church. Maybe that's why I'm a bit bitter. Why don't we learn these pertinent important things in Sunday School? I don't know. Anyway, I don't know if people who read this blog appreciate hearing about my hatred of anything church related, but I suppose if they do care, they will tell me. And I like it that way. I won't go into further detail about my other issues since I have already started a different post on that.

OMG. Went to Utah this past weekend. Funnest trip EVER! I felt like a kid again. I love my family. It's my dads side that lives up there. I love my aunts and cousins and grandparents. I seriously think they are the best, funniest, people ever.

I'll post pics. I'm going to get some. Right now. I love you.


  1. HA Your post cracked me up! We'll leave it at that!

  2. Just a thought Lisa- Maybe they do teach those things all along and you were just not 'ready' to hear them!
    I think it is good to question things and seek for the answers, but just being negative won't get you anywhere but to the land of unhappiness!

  3. Lisa,

    Another thought - A good friend of mine commented in RS one Sunday awhile ago. I thought I might tell you what she said. She said that we all have different levels of gospel knowledge and of life experiences. As we go through life, the experiences we have help us "up those levels". Spiritually, this friend of mine is very "experienced" and, in my opinion, on a much more advanced level than myself. She's gone through some really really difficult things in her life and she has stayed close to the church, Heavenly Father, and her scriptures the whole time. Think how powerful really tough experiences can be if we stay close to prayer and scriptures. Even through my toughest times, I remember that God knows what's best. And in those tough times especially, I want to do all I can to serve Heavenly Father and submit all my efforts to His will. I think that having faith and knowing that no matter what happens, God will take care of us is so important. In the toughest times I've ever had, that very knowledge is what has meant the most to me. I remember that if all else fails, God is in charge AND HE WILL TAKE CARE OF US!!! Why? Because He loves us more than we can even comprehend. If you are upset that you haven't known some of the things you are reading, why be angry? Maybe you can pray. Maybe you can talk to someone with that knowledge that you are comfortable talking with. Maybe you can turn to the scriptures. Maybe you can hop on lds.org and look it up, or anything like it and gain that knowledge too, and be excited about what you are learning. Learning is something we do every day. I don't know half the stuff I should. I should read that book!

    Love ya!

