Peeing/pooping alone is a thing of the future. I don't think (and I'm not even exaggerating here) I've been to the loo alone in 9 years.
She came to the door to tell me she was in the fridge and she burped really loud. Thanks Nevie. Thanks for telling me.
Speaking of burping. Yesterday we were at the homeschool meet-up. The girls and I were sitting in the car waiting for Jackson to get out of art class. We had the windows down, the park was right next to us where other moms were sitting and chatting. Nevie proceeded to belch the loudest noise in the world. Everyone turned their heads. I didn't say anything.
I wish I could get one of her noises on video. They are so so so so so loud. We are trying to encourage an 'excuse me' afterwards but I think our laughing has barred any hope for manners.
One more funny story about the 4 year old. I was at an appointment for what I think is a pinched nerve. Thankfully I received a doc that knows things. We went into the physical therapy area and he was doing some stretches and massage on my neck. It was relaxing and wonderful. I was focusing on my breathing. The girls were being very good! They were quietly playing. In fact, the doc commented on how good they were being. Soon after. at the most opportune time Nevie said, "that looks like a vagina." Sadie then replied that she should not say that. Nevie: "What? Vagina?" 🙉🙊🙈
Today my 9 year old taught me how to subtract. I've been going over his pages of math and I realized today he never shows his work. I'm 30ish and I always carry my numbers. He just writes the answer. He sat me down today and taught me his method which he learned awhile ago (we use Singapore math). I'm glad my kids are smarter than me!
Sadie loves puzzles. She is better at them than I am. Today we finished one my mom sent in the mail. We received the package and opened it last night and she wanted to start then. It was bedtime so I told her I would help her when I woke up. When I came downstairs this morning, she had already commenced the putting together of the puppy puzzle. When we were done she said, "I wish we had another one." please send puzzles. Jk.
I just told my kids I needed an hour of quiet time. So I have my earphones on and I'm listening to tunes. I love music!
Last weekend, we took the kids to the Express (because we are classy) and we got milkshakes and slushies at 9 p.m. (because we are good parents). As we left the parking lot, I was playing DJ and I turned on my Christmas playlist. I SO wish I could show you what happened between David and I in the next 5 seconds. It's clearly imprinted in my brain forever. I looked at him, he looked at me and soon thereafter we laughed really hard. It still make me crack up just thinking about it. I've been begging him to let me get the Christmas stuff out and he said not until after Halloween.
Also, we have pests at our house. We have ants, we have beetles, we have stink bugs, we have giant GIANT grasshoppers, mosquitoes, spiders, bees, and other various crawling things. I am OVER it! I saw the funniest picture ever someone posted on a wives group here. It's how I feel on the daily. Please help me.
These are just pictures:
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My friend Sparkles hosted the book club for this month |
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These are my bff's even if they don't know it |
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